Sabtu, 05 November 2011

LKS Brooch

those brooches are bought when the last day i'm on LKS (Latihan Kepemimpinan Siswa). The committee sells brooch and sticker with various colours then i bought one brooch for souvenir from there. The colors of mine are purple and yellow. Ah! I forgot to tell you about the LKS but now i'm not in the mood for tell my LKS day so i just tell you about my LKS brooch. hahaaaahaha!

Say Hello To My New Aquapix!

Have you read this before? In those post i've already told you that i bought new aquapix. this is my aquapix with helloooww kittiw. Booyeah!

Jumat, 04 November 2011

Thank Youuuu!

yesterday, me and my friends were walked around at bip for buy aquapix for take a picture of us under water. actually, we are going to swimming today but because the rain and the weather is very cold so we don't go to swim. sad enough but what to do anymore? but but but i am very happy because now i have an aquapix hihihi so when i want to snap a picture under water i don't must feel sad.

#fyi i'm in love with tablo's song "bad", why? i don't know either. i just love to hear that :)
love is so bad (bad) bad (bad) bad (bad) ~~

Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011

Edit Photos

recently day, i love to edit my own photo on befunky or picnik. those are my recomendation website for edit your photo. you can search the other website on internet either. there, you can edit your photo with a wonderful effect, great touch up, and the other things. i give them five stars (*****) for the app. Try it! Enjoy it! ♥♥

I'm an ELF

Hi ! I want announce you that now i'm officially to be elf (super junior's fans) hehehehe. I think i more to kyuhyun than super junior itself but i love the other member too. #dunnoah

Good Bye!

Sabtu, 24 September 2011


Yaaaaww! Today, sasha and rahmani came to my home for play and study (i don't really think we study, we just bring and touch the book but we don't read it). We shared our own experience in ours school. It's very fun! We sang a song together, talk about our friends in school, discuss a hot news, took some photos with rahmani's new handphone, hehe, and the other activities. When we wanted to take some photos withmy laptop's webcam, rahmani's father was arriving to pick up rahmani. So, that's the reason why rahmani isn't in photos above. The conclusions of the day is I HAVING SO MUCH FUN TODAY! THANK YOU SO MUCH GIRLS :*


Weird smile, right? I took this photo when my insomnia relapse. It's about 11 pm maybe. I didn't know what to do so I just played and surfed on internet. I decided to go to here and took some pics. After took some pics, i went to games site and play some games. Then, i felt bored so i go tumblring until i feel sleepy and turned off my laptop then went to my lovely bed.

Minggu, 18 September 2011


HA! I CAN'T SLEEP! MY INSOMNIA RELAPSE AND I'M SO SAD AS A CRAP! I just play with my laptop. Big special thanks to my 'sen' which accompany me this time. I love you

N: sen is my laptop's name. teehee!


This all picture taken in Ngawi by Mela's laptop webcam. I'm on the right and on my left is Mela, my cousin. Enjoy!

Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011


hi! kemaren pas hari kamis rahmani sama anas ke rumah saya loh trus kita main (ngobrol tepatnya) tapi anas mah bentar doang cuma-numpang-minta-mv doang. nah, sorenya sasa dateng buat bubar bareng saya sama rahmani sekalian ngajarin rahmani logaritma. gara-gara udah sma kan pasti jadi jarang main makanya saya ngajak take picture together deh. jeng jeng!

Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

New Profile Pic

Yeee! New profile pic! Kurang jelas emang, brightnessnya belum aku ubah. What do you think?

Happy Fasting Month!

yes i'm muslim :)

besok udah mulai puasa. sebelumnya saya mau minta maaf kalo punya salah atau pernah ngomong yang kurang enak di hati.

pokoknya target puasa tahun ini harus bener-bener serius ga asal nahan laper doang :D

ya sudah, segini dolo besok besok saya lanjutin.



Halo! Curhat boleh ya...
jadi dari post-an sebelumnya kan saya pengennnya masuk sma 4, 9 ato 6 tapi ternyata saya malah jeblos ke sma 15. gpplah di nikmatin aja tapi kudu seriussssssxxzzz bener-bener ini mah soalnya kan pengen masuk kedokteran ugm #aminaminamin. trus saya kangen temen-temen di smp terutama sasa, rahmani, anas sama mabel banget banget. sedihlah pas liat foto-foto kita pake seragam smp :((
sekarang saya lagi suka main plant vs zombie buset rame banget tapi suka rada ngehe mini gamesnya lumayan susah, belum apa-apa zombinya udah main bablas ke rumah.

okelah segini saja. pye pye!

Kamis, 16 Juni 2011


See? Sedih ya nem saya cuma 36.25, mau masuk mana coba? Dulu mah pengennya masuk sma 2 tapi nem segitu mah ga memungkinkan. Udah mah katanya passing grade sekarang katanya naik antara 1 sampe 1.75. Lah saya makin terpuruk aja kalo gini.

Jadi kayaknya kalo kluster 1 saya mau ambil sma 4 kalo kluster 2 antara sma 20, sma 9 atau 6.

Ya sudah segini dulu. Saya mau mandi dulu

Rabu, 15 Juni 2011


Well, apa kabar kalian? Sudah lama ga main blog. Saya kira blog ini udah di non-aktifkan tapi ternyata ngga, jadi ya jadi ya ....

Saya masih "liburan" tapi ga kemana-mana cuma di rumah, main ke rumah temen, makan, nonton dvd, tumblr-ing, main laptop, main game, baca fanfic dan YA! SAYA LAGI DEMEN SAMA FANFIC BANGET BANGET BANGET! Saya suka baca ff di website ini (rekomen dari saya coba baca Soulizer, I Have Money!! So What?!, Let's Make A Baby sama Evil Brother And Me. You're Too Far juga boleh tuh. Jangan lupa sekalian kunjungi ffnya teman saya dan comment jangan lupa namanya bela, ff dia rame juga kok ;))

Ya sudah, Bye!